
Bowsers Revenge: Pt. 12

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Bowsers Revenge Pt. 12: Other Sun

Samus awoke to the sunrise, the fire she and Snake had made the night before now dwindling down to nothing. As Samus sat up and yawned, she heard Snake cursing as he tried to work on RAY. As she walked over, arms folded as she was a little cold from the temperature, Snake hopped down from RAY frustrated.

"Well, RAY's shot. Systems failure all across it."

"And you can't fix it?" asked Samus

"No, that was Otacon's job." said Snake

"So, we're on foot from here on out?" asked Samus

"You remember where you parked your ship?" asked Snake

"A long ways away from here." said Samus, now regretting losing her Power Suit

"Well, nothing left to do now." said Snake

He hit side of RAY, and it disappeared in Octocamo.

"A million uses, I swear!" praised Snake

"Hmm, let's go." Smiled Samus

The trek through the forest was swifter than the two though, with Samus in the lead thanks to her superior speed, and Snake's infinite Stamina close behind, they covered ground fast. They didn't know where they were going, except south, until Samus felt a cold empty pit in her stomach. She passed it off as the cold and ran harder to increase her body heat. However, as she covered ground, it only seemed to get worse, and as she neared the mountains, something she could easily pass over, she all but collapsed.

"Samus!" yelled Snake

Samus had no energy left, and could hardly move, and laid here in the snow as Snake came up.

"Are you okay?" he yelled, knowing the answer

"Can you believe it?" she asked with a weak laugh, "All the stuff I've fought and done, and the one thing that brings me down is hunger!"

Snake found the humor in it to and lifted her up.

"Come on, I'll carry you."

Carrying her in both hands, he walked up the mountain, Samus holding close and shivering. With her body no longer working, her temperature was dropping, and mixed with her hunger, she could hardly stand it. Snake was fairing no better, forced to climb the icy, rocky, slippery, and snow covered mountain all the while carrying the weakened Samus. He, just having been "reawakened" a day ago, felt little hunger, and he still had water in his canteen. As Samus started coughing, he handed it to her.

"Last I got." he said

She thanked him silently and drunk it. The water itself was cold, but not as cold as around them, and it managed to ease her throat that was dry from the temperature. Once she did, a heavy gust of wind blew in, making Samus shake, and she tried to withdraw closer to Snake for his body heat. She looked up at him, and he was in pain as well, his beard and hair covered in frost now from the gust, and the wind biting at his exposed face. Despite this, he held her stronger than ever, and soldiered on. Once again, like the time in the Nether before he "died", she felt safe and peaceful in his arms. She got as comfortable as she could into his arms and tried to fall asleep. As she did, hhe slipped on a rock and fell, Samus falling out of his arms.

"Whoops." he laughed

Samus laughed a little was well. However, it ended as He started to pick her up when she spotted a airship behind them closing in. She could barely lift her hand to show him, and he looked to see it just in time.

"How could they have found us?"

Looking around to see that it was alone, he figured it was just a patrol looking for any survivors from the battle earlier. It had spotted them and was moving in. Lifting Samus up, he started to hike his way up the mountain with Samus on his back. From the airship came Bullet Bills, Bob-Ombs, and cannon balls. The heavy wind now made their accuracy less than perfect, and they exploded all around the two. Samus held onto Snake as he took every explosion and kept on walking. One fiery flash knocked him left, while another knocked him right. Then a third made him stagger forward, each time Snake not giving up and walking along. As a Bob-Omb impacted right behind him, he stumbled and nearly fell, but holding Samus tight at the same time, recovered, and moved on. Samus looked back to see more incoming fire, and this time a few turtle shells. The majority hit in the snow, burying themselves deep inside the mountain. Then she spotted a green one closing in fast, headed right for Snake. The shell hit Snake right in the back, and he fell over screaming in pain.

Samus fell off of him, and tumbled a few feet over and stopped on a ice patch. Snake was shuddering in pain, incoming fire erupting on all sides of him. Yet, even as this happened, he got up, screaming in a mix of pain and his will, and moved forward toward Samus. Two cannon balls hit off each shoulder in succession, but he didn't stop. As a Bullet Bill made a bee line toward him, Snake popped off a grenade and tossed it behind him, detonating the Bullet Bill before it impacted. He started to lift Samus up and over his head again when she stopped him. By now, the airship was so close, Koopa's were firing over the sides with scopes, but even then their aim was off, rounds hitting harmlessly in the snow. Snake looked to Samus who prevented him from picking her up again confused, and then he saw the sorrow in her eyes.

"Go on without me! I'll hold them off!" she told him

"What? No! I'm getting you out of here!"

"Snake! You died for me! No it's my time to return the favor! Leave me behind and get out of here?"

Snake looked back to the airship closing in, and then down to Samus. A tear was forming in her eye, and one began forming in Snake's eye as well.

"Go on Snake! What's the worse they can do to me?"

Snake closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. The fire coming from the Airship was now doubling as it lowered to get a better aim at the two as Samus yelled at Snake to leave as she fired her Paralyzer weakly and inaccurately into the air.

"GO SNAKE! I can't stand the fact of you dying again for me!" she said firing off another shot

"And I can't stand the fact of you dying at all!" said Snake

Snake dropped tot eh ground and looked at her.

"Samus…I love you. I've had ever since I laid eyes on you."

Samus was shocked frozen by this. She looked to Snake as his eyes now had tears in them, freezing as they reached the cold air, when she noticed she had tear of her own as well. However, hers was also mixed with a smile and she moved to Snake.

"You mean that?" she asked him

"I wouldn't have done have the things I've done these past few days if it wasn't for you."

"I…I…I love you too Snake.

Even as the bombs and scope shots peppered the ground and melted the snow off them, the two embraced in a kiss that made their impending doom melt away into nothing. As they finished, the two looked to the each other and smiled, content with their fate. If they were to die or worse on this mountain side, then they were going to go together, and as of now, nothing could take that away. Snake grabbed hold of the Paralyzer and Samus hand and they both aimed up at the Airship. Despite it uselessness against the Airship, they managed to hit a few of the Koopa's off, and even take a few Bullet Bills out. However, the two wounded legendary heroes of their universes knew that no matter what they did was going to be their last. Just as the ship was prepared to fire one more volley to finish them off forever, the two hard something. It sounded like bellowing cows coming from the forest below.

"What are cow's doing in the mountains?"

"Those aren't cows." smiled Snake

Samus was confused at this until she saw four figures leaping out of the snow and onto the Airship. Each one had two distinct organic looking legs, but each had a metallic robotic head armed with a machine gun and rockets. Further more, each one released at least six smaller black spheres with what appeared to be arms. The things tore up the Airship with their weapons as more "cows" were heard behind them. Samus looked back to see five of the things walking up and opening fire on the Airship with all it had.

"What are these things?" asked Snake

"Metal Gear Gekko." said Snake

"Metal Gears? You knew this was going to happen!?"

"Actually Miss Aran, he didn't." said a sharp voice from behind

The two looked to see Gray Fox standing there, Snake knowing he was smiling.

"So, can I give you two a lift?"

He waved his hand, and a Gekko walked up and lowered itself  down for them to climb on. Snake helped Samus up and walked over to the Gekko. Gray Fox helped them both on, and himself leaping on the Gekko, pressed a button, and the walker began to move off the mountain side.

"I figured you would be alive Snake, when Otacon wasn't worried you may have died before he was captured. A visit to Shadow Moses to see RAY was missing, and I was right."

As Fox laughed, Samus laid her head down on Snakes lap and fell asleep. Snake looked to this and remembered that Samus was not in her best state.

"Fox!" said Snake, "You have any food?"

Fox looked back to see Samus out cold.

"Yeah, I got a camp ten minutes form here. Hold on!"

He kicked it into high gear when he looked back to see something on Snake's lip.

"Snake? Did you two, kiss?"

"Huh?" asked Snake, "How'd you know?"

"You lip. Besides, you always told me you had feelings for her. Guess the moment of near annihilation was the best time for you?"

"It was then or never." said Snake

"Good job my friend." said Fox.

As Snake rested himself and looked back to the Gekko's now finished with the airship and moving up to catch up to them, he started to fall asleep as well until Fox awoke him.

"You didn't pull one of Johnny's lines did you?"

"Shut up!" yelled Snake

This was met only by laughter from Fox.

Well, another day with a T measn another updaTe. In the Icy tundra of Northern Smasherer world, emotions rise between the two heroes as they are slowly faced with doom

Legal stuff time! Why? Do I need to explain?
Snake is (c) of Konami
Samus is (c) of Nintendo
Bowser is (c) of nintendo
Anyone or anything else I've used is (c) of their respective companies
© 2011 - 2024 j8ck
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